Tips and Tricks

This page is designed to give you some top tips to help you with your Science fair experience! 














From Chemistry needs editing


The best chemistry project is one that comes up with a question and gives an answer.

It is great if you can try to test something that everyone can relate to, like whether all paper towels absorb the same amount of liquid.

 A key to having a great Chemistry project is testing something, then improving on the existing product to make something even better. BE ORIGINAL!


Remember to talk to your science teacher for advice and for how you can make your project better. If your school has been entering Science Fairs for a long time, chances are they will have a record of which projects were more successful than others. Who knows? They may even have log books, photos etc!




Talk to your teacher at the start of the year to find out which of these standards you will be doing. Then, make a plan as to how you are going to do your project during school time/after school. 





          WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!